Six floors of toys!! Emily and Hannah both loved it......Emily ran around loudly proclaiming 'Daddy, I want that.....Daddy, I want that'. Hannah was pretty laid back and was happy taking all the sights in.
There were rickshaws, or Pedicabs, outside the store. Sharon and Emily took one to Trafalgar Square. They both loved it, though Sharon was a little concerned about their safety in busy streets.
Hannah & I walked down to Trafalgar Square and met up with Sharon & Emily. The square was bustling with tourists and performers. I really love it there. It has a great atmosphere.
We walked past MoD Main Building and then through Victoria Embankment Park. It's only a small park but great for finding a quiet place to sit and relax in the middle of London.

Looks like you had a great time. That toy store must have been amazing, you'd need to be in shape to hit all the floors.
lol are not wrong there!! it really is a little magical place.....i would have loved to have seen it as a kid myself - we never really grow up if we're to be honest with ourselves & i had a great time in there as well!!
Atleast you admit to having fun yourself. Most parents don't for some reason. And when we buy presents for our children, who do we buy it for? Us of course, we buy things that we would have played with.
lol...we're singing off the same hymn sheet, my friend! Although I have 2 girls, my eldest has already shown a lovely interest in music and cars....bliss!!!!!
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