It was a wonderfully sunny day on Saturday, so it was time to get out and run the kids ragged! As tempting as it was to head into London again, we wanted to get them out into the countryside. Aldenham Park is a great day out. We've been there twice before with Emily and she loved it. Now it was Hannah's turn.

We started off with a lunchtime picnic by the lakeside. This picture doesn't really reflect how much the kids loved it; Hannah look asleep but she just wanted to get out!

It didn't take long before Emily got bored and started running round like a crazy horse!

Then off to feed the ducks.....

After that, we went to see the farm animals....., I'm not on commission from Aldenham Park; it's just one of those little gems that we need to share with you :-)
You may have noticed blurring on some of the pictures........thanks to Emily's first attempts at taking pictures and her insistance on holding it by the lens!!
I'll keep you posted on this weekends visit (where is yet undecided)
Well done Miss Emily!
I can't tell you how wonderful it is to now you're home again... really :)'ll notice that i didn't publish her efforts...:-)...o matter how much i admired the blurred picture of her boots, a goats ear, and an amusing cloud!!
thanks anndi. it really is great to be back home. i'll make the most of it before my next trip.
hope you're feeling a bit more chipper and that chicklet's fine.
take care
great to see you blogging again. Thank you for your comments , I have opted to delete two of them, I know you would be happy about that. Last december , angel parents asked me to make angel gowns for the new angel babies that come into the world. There is a massive luck of baby burial clothing. A lot of volunteers donate clothing ( myself included) but when a family wants a special white silk gown for their angel there was nothing available. So that's how it started. Angel parents asked me to make burial clothing. I am proud of that. Took me three months to set up a support network for the angel parents that come through my door. I have several printed books, poems that I give out.My first angel family, what an exp. what an honour to pass on all the wisdom from parents who wished they have known of ... taking the baby home, photos, hand and feet moulds the list is endless...I am so happy in my heart that one family has no regrets. I speek to the angel mum daily, she is glad she got so many keepsakes and loving memories. You can tell I am passionate about my angel cause. We all find things we are good at. We thrive from knowledge we make a diffrence in the world. Now, I found what it is that makes my soul happy :) extending a helping hand to grieving angel families, making a positive impact in their lives.
I think that about answers all your questions. It is good to see your family again. You have a very loving family and it shines through the lens ... take good care of yourself and your loved ones. This is the only thing that makes perfect sence to life. Dana
I just went to the park with my brother the other day. We fed animals too-sheep and pigs. It's been a long time since we've fed ducks, but a couple years ago we went to a pond and fed the fish. These were very aggressive large fish that would launch themselves out of the water and stick their mouths next to your hand. Needless to say, he had to get used to it
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