Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Holiday In The Peak District

Well, I'm back again properly now folks. I'd love to share some memories of a fantastic holiday we had last week in the Peak District. We hired a cottage in Whaley Bridge, a beautiful little town with a very friendy amosphere. From the cottage, we explored a fair amount of the Peak District an started Emily & Hannah off on my 'grand plan' of introducing them to the wonders of the outdoors proper - hill walking, scrambling & rock climbing.

Anyways, to start at the beginning....we revealed the 'nice things to see' to Emily on a freezing cold day. We made her walk a short distance to look at a beautiful waterfall off Snake Pass. There was a little bit of snow on the ground and lots of puddles to splash in!!!!

Another walk was in a park that, for the life of us, we can't remember the name of. It was in the Derwent Vally. It had a beautiful and well tended paths and some beautiful scenery All that aside, Emily just wanted to play football....and Hannah, as usual, just loved taking in everything around her.

Another park we went to was Lyme Park just outside the Stockport area. Both Emily & Hannah loved it, despite the fact that it was absolutely freezing (again!!). A worrying trend for me is that Emily has found a natural love for football!! Sharon & I really don't like football, and I can see that I'll have to learn about that sport in the future to encourage her....sigh.....
There was a beautiful house in the grounds at Lyme Park. It was closed to the public until March, but you could walk around the outside of the buildings. Sharon decided that Emily should not be deprived of a quick look inside and lifted her up to have a glance inside the house. 'What can you see?' asked Sharon. Emily ducked down and giggled. The window she had been lifted up to just happened to be where a big conference was being held. As Emily had peered in, scores of conference goers saw her pretty little smiling face for a split second....hope they didn't think the place was haunted!!!

In Whaley Bridge, there was a beautiful canal with barges that both Emily & Hannah absolutely loved. And of course, where there's water, there's ducks......
Another park we went to introduced Emily to the 'real' sport of hillwalking and a spot of climbing.. :-)

Emily & Hannah both loved the cottage when we eventually got back from our walks......
The cottage was called Cloud Cottage. A beautiful, old house in Whaley Bridge with a really lovely owner called Linda. I'd seriously recommend using her cottage as it's in a great location and she's a really nice person.

We'd have taken more pictures, but to be honest, we were more interestd in having a great holiday. Sorry. Still there will be so many more memories to share with you soon.

We're moving back to the Chilterns soon, so over the next few months, I'll keep you posted on how we're moving back to hills & vales...and when we move back to Ireland.....back into mountains.................can't wait!!!


Unique Gowns said...

Hi, It is good to see you safe and sound back in the arms of your loving family ! Your precious girls have grown so much :) Dana

Katman said...

Thanks Dana. It's great to be back. Hope all's well. I can't believe how fast those two wee girls are growing!

Anndi said...

I actually SQUEEED when I saw you'd left some comments over the holidays. Prayers have been answered and you are home safe again with your lovely family.


Anndi said...

Oh... I should clarify, I was away with my wee lass on a holiday the first week of March (school break).


Katman said...

Thanks Anndi. Great to hear from you too! Hope you had a great holiday.

The holiday was just what the doctor ordered! Rest & recuperation..well....no rest, running around like a cazy bear with the kids. Wouldn't have wanted it any other way!!