Here's a picture of Emily over Christmas. It's just asking for a caption..........

ps. greetz to cathie. wb
ps. greetz to cathie. wb
Sometimes, you just have to let go :-)............
This is what happens when you split your finger on the first song...and you know you have a 2 hour set to get through.......
My beloved tanglewood 12 string...playing 'Pink Floyds' 'Wish you here'
Mike Thorn & I actually singing together.......Usually I forgot to add backing vocals..sorry Mike
Gosh, a blast from the past...That was me back in 1984. Look at the hair....
This is bambino, born at 0135 on 2 September 2006 weighing in at 6lb 15oz.
...& here's her first close-up.......'s her proud daddy...
......................................& her proud mummy.