Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's been a while...

Hi folks. I know I've not been blogging a lot lately & goingaround my favourite bloggers. Sorry!
Normal services will resume soon (hopefully!)

Just a quick update on what's going on....Sharon's doing fine raising Emily & Hannah whilst I'm stuck in sunnier climes. Hannah gave us a bit of a scare with a respiratory infection, but she's slowly on the mend now. Emily is very much into her ballet now. I'm missing all three of them like crazy but I'm almost halfway through my tour now.

Looking forward to gettng back to blogging again. Catch you all soon


Anndi said...

It's wonderful to hear from you, my friend. I've been keeping you in my thoughts and praying for your continued safety.
I'll send good healing thoughts for Hannah as well.

Please take good care and be ever careful.

Unique Gowns said...

Good to hear from you :) Best Wishes for your lovely family ! Dana

Katman said...

Thanks very much Anndi & Dana. Halfway through now! Can't wait to get back and see the family. I'll be sure to etsome updated pitures of our little clan on soon.

Hope life is treating you both well.