Sunday, March 09, 2008

March blog delayed

Hi folks.
Apologies, but March's first blog is delayed as it's not been possible to upload images tonight. I'll be looking at putting up a proper entry over the next few days. All's well with the clan - apart from the imminent date of departure for oth of us; Sharons new place of work (delayed until Feb 09 we think) and my world tour (still not confirmed but looking increasingly likely to be Oct 08). Emily continues to be a little angel. Her latest fad is smacking her forehead and shouting 'Doh!'. Wonder where she got that from??

We've done taking Emily around the parks in London now, and will probably leave them now until the weather gets a bit better. She absolutely loves running her wee legs off in them.
We've moved on to other attractions; last week was London Aquarium and this weekend we went on the London Eye (I'll chat about them in a later blog - great days out). Hopefully, by following our treks, you'll get to know the best places to see around London. Any suggestions gratefully received.

Peace & love


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